

Slighty damaged, on sale!

Coffee-table book
  176 pages
Autor(s)  Thomas Huber
ISBN-13  978-3405163747
Size  32,4 cm x 24,4 cm

All books are autographed by Thomas and Alexander.

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Ogre - the monster of the Karakoram

More than 20 expeditions tried their luck on the steep walls of the Ogre, but almost all failed. The Ogre in the Karakoram has thus far only been summited twice. Thomas Huber, who together with Urs Stöcker and Iwan Wolf made the peak’s second ascent, explores the myth of this mountain in »Ogre, Gipfel der Träume«.

The Ogre is a hideous giant in fairy tales that feeds on humans. Even though, at 7285 meters, it does not break the magic 8000 meters barrier, it is still considered one of the world’s most difficult mountains by expert alpinists. Doug Scott and Chris Bonington achieved its first ascent in 1977. They almost died on the descent. Things were no less dramatic on the following expeditions between 1978 and 1997.

It was only in 2001 that the team of Thomas Huber was successful on the mountain with a new route. Thomas Huber writes about his ascent, and the art and the frustration of failure together with Elies Coll, Tom Dauer, Alexander Huber, Hans Kammerlander, Jan Mersch, Gerard Pailheiret, Malte Roeper and Sir Chris Bonington.

Breathtaking photography gives an impression of the fascinating mountain range and provides insight in the timeless appeal of the Ogre. »Ogre - Gipfel der Träume« - in this book, adventures come to life.


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From Berchtesgaden to Antarctica: Our most difficult climbs, our most important ascents, and our most emotional summits...




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